
Spicy Crayfish | Chinese Food Easy Recipes

▪ Ingredients  




1000 g

Small onion, perilla, cilantro

a few

Ginger, garlic, chili, onion

a few

Star anise, allspice,

a few

Cinnamon, pepper

a few

Hot pot base, bean paste

a few

Salt, chicken essence

a few


▪ Detailed steps  

Pour half a pound of cooking oil into the pot, wash the crayfish over the oil for two minutes, the shell red can be fished out

Start a separate pot, pour two or two cooking oil, ginger, garlic, chili peppers into the pot bursting with fragrance

Add star anise, allspice, cinnamon, pepper and stir-fry

Add hot pot base, bean paste and stir-fry

Crawfish into the pan, add shallots and stir-fry evenly

Add salt and chicken seasoning to taste, stir-fry well

Pour in water, water just over the crawfish is appropriate, simmer until the water boils

Add small onion with perilla and cilantro and stir-fry, the dish is complete

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