
Homely Chicken Dishes | Chinese Food Easy Recipes

▪ Ingredients  



Chicken Legs

3 pcs

Shiitake Mushroom

50 g

Small onion

a few

Oyster sauce, soy sauce

a few

Cooking oil, cooking wine

a few

Salt, pepper

a few


▪ Detailed steps  

Soak mushrooms and cut into pieces, dice scallions, debone chicken thighs and cut chicken thigh meat

Chicken thighs with soy sauce, salt, pepper, cooking wine, marinate for 10 minutes

Heat the oil to 70%, then stir-fry the chicken until it turns white

Then add a little oil and stir-fry the mushrooms

Pour in soy sauce, salt, stir-fry evenly

Add a bowl of water and reduce the juice over high heat

Pour in oyster sauce, sprinkle onion to enhance the freshness, the dish is complete

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